The Motherland

read this: 65 books you should read in your 20s

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Since reading and writing go hand-in-hand, it makes sense that as a writer I love to read. I used to be an avid reader. I’m talking two books a week, to the point where in 8th grade I’d read something like 140 books that year. Unfortunately, over the years I find myself reading less and less. There’s always something more important to do, and though I definitely still enjoy reading it sometimes takes me weeks to finish a book! (My 14-year-old self would shudder in horror.)

I haven’t lost that longing for reading though and still think there’s nothing better than curling up with a good book that sucks you in and lets your imagination soar. I’ve been known to sacrifice sleeping and eating all in the name of finishing a great read. Yet it sadly seems to happen less often nowadays.

That is why I was so excited when I saw this great list from Buzzfeed about 65 books you should read in your 20s. After glancing through the list I was happy that I’d at least read some of them (ok ok only 5 eek!) but I am determined to change that this year. Here are a few that will get me started on my reading quest.

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Image via Women’s Prize for Fiction
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Do you find yourself reading less or more as you get older? And do you agree with the picks from Buzzfeed? I’d love to know…


  • Reply
    Mags Pomichowski
    May 15, 2013 at 8:55 pm

    I am the SAME WAY! Love to read and use to read so much as a kid. Now I struggle b/c there are so many books I want to read and magazines that I subscribe to, I can't get to everything. I worry that when I have kids it will get even worse πŸ™ I am currently reading "The Help" and loving it!

    I am sad to report I have only read one of those books, a few are still on my to read list though. Now that I am in my 30's I need a books to read in your 30's list, lol. Let me know if you come across one of those.


  • Reply
    May 15, 2013 at 10:03 pm

    I will keep a lookout for that list πŸ™‚ and yay glad to hear I'm not the only one struggling with this! We'll just have to take it one book at a time I guess. And I read "The Help" so good!


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