The Motherland

shop this: h&m finally online

I think like many people out there I’d been waiting in anticipation till the day H&M finally sold its merchandise online. Lucky for all of us, that day has finally come! 

In the past few years I find myself gravitating more and more toward online shopping. I used to fear that things wouldn’t fit me right, bad quality, etc., and while that still happens every so often I feel like a tried-and-true online shopper now and usually buy without any hassle.

Hence my extreme excitement about bargain shopping powerhouse H&M finally being able to provide their goods to our fingertips. I happen to be in the store today and then came home to check out the collection online, and it was so.much.easier.

There is nothing quite like doing some online shopping with a glass of wine in hand with no people shoving to get past you, no pressure from sales people — just you and the merchandise. 

(I just noticed there is also a home section with opening offers of $4! Um hello awesome!) Here are some things I’ve got my eye on. The delivery charge for the U.S. is $5.95 so not too shabby. Check it out here.

1. biker pants | 2. jacquard weave skirt | 3. jacket | 4. jumpsuit | 5. jersey skirt | 6. jersey dress | 7. chiffon blouse | 8. ankle boots | 9. loose fit pants | 10.  fine-knit sweater 

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